import { Exception } from '@adonisjs/core/build/standalone'
import type { HttpContextContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/HttpContext'

| Exception
| The Exception class imported from `@adonisjs/core` allows defining
| a status code and error code for every exception.
| @example
| new {{ filename }}('message', 500, 'E_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION')
export default class {{ filename }} extends Exception {
   * The handle method allows you to self handle the exception and
   * return an HTTP response.
   * This is how it works under the hood.
   * - You raise this exception
   * - The exception goes uncatched/unhandled through out the entire HTTP request cycle.
   * - Just before making the response. AdonisJS will call the `handle` method.
   *   Giving you a chance to convert the exception to response.
  public async handle(error: this, ctx: HttpContextContract) {
    ctx.response.status(error.status || 500).send(error.message)