/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Validating Environment Variables |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | In this file we define the rules for validating environment variables. | By performing validation we ensure that your application is running in | a stable environment with correct configuration values. | | This file is read automatically by the framework during the boot lifecycle | and hence do not rename or move this file to a different location. | */ import Env from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Env' export default Env.rules({ PORT: Env.schema.number(), HOST: Env.schema.string({ format: 'host' }), APP_KEY: Env.schema.string(), APP_NAME: Env.schema.string(), NODE_ENV: Env.schema.enum(['development', 'production', 'testing'] as const), /** * Feel free to change the enum options to the actual disk names * you have defined inside the "contracts/drive.ts" file. */ DRIVE_DISK: Env.schema.enum(['local', 's3', 'gcs'] as const), {{#assetsManager}} ASSETS_DRIVER: Env.schema.enum(['fake', 'encore'] as const), {{/assetsManager}} })